Saturday, July 27, 2024
1 minute reading time (259 words)

The Education Apple podcast 28

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to episode 28 of The Education Apple podcast.

Barrett and Bill get together to review and comment on current happenings in Apple and Technology news.  In this episode they discuss the fact that Apple has for the first time caught Windows PC in terms of numbers of devices sold . Bill describes some of the changes that will be coming to Credit Cards and processors as some of the Cybercrime has pushed CCs to "Chip and PIN" technology.  Barrett gives an update on the "Learning Unleashed" program at Briarwood School and what might be in store following the complete High School rollout. The guys also have some good app suggestions that they share as well.  Check out this episode as you are sure to gain some valuable insights.  Feel free to drop us a note or comment as we would love to hear from you - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Review the Show Notes here

Discovery Class - GeorgeShamblin - Acts - March 2 ...
Discovery Class - Michael Mulvaney - Love - Feb 9 ...


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