Saturday, July 27, 2024
1 minute reading time (257 words)

The Education Apple podcast 20

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to episode 20 of The Education Apple podcast.

Barrett and Bill discuss the latest in the Internet and Apple world.  In this episode we take a look at some interesting news involving the shake-up at Microsoft with the anouncement of Steve Balmer's exit.  They also look at some news that indicates Apple is pushing forward with wearable computing.  Barrett provides an update on the iPad program and the good progress that has already been made this year as they incorporate this technology in education.  At the end of the podcast be sure to listen to the app picks and twitter followings shared which will be of interest to our listeners.  Check us out as you are sure to gain some valuable insights from this weeks episode.  Feel free to drop us a note or comment as we would love to hear from you - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Review the Show Notes here

The Education Apple podcast 21
The Education Apple podcast 19


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