Saturday, July 27, 2024
1 minute reading time (134 words)

Discovery Class - John Donaldson - November 28, 2021

John Donaldson taught on Psalm 78.

Unfortunately, Due to technical difficulties there is not a recording of the teaching this week.

The lesson included the points of 1) Being Urgent, 2) Being Intentional, 3) Being Faithful, 4) Being Encouraged; as we pass on the Good News of the Gospel to the next generation(s) that we have influence over (Family, Children, Grand Children, Extended Family members)

Psalm 48:13-14

    [13] consider well her ramparts,

        go through her citadels,

    that you may tell the next generation 

    [14]     that this is God,

    our God forever and ever.

        He will guide us forever.


Book Reference - Improving With Age (God's Plan for Getting Older and Better) Stuart and Jill Brisco

Discovery Class - Benny Parks - December 5, 2021
Discovery Class - Jerry and Holly Leachman - Novem...


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