Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Outline: The Education Apple - episode 8

“The show that discusses Apple technology in the formal Classroom as well as in the classroom of our daily lives”

1. The Cast

  • Barrett Mosbacker, Superintendent of Briarwood Christian School
  • Rick Stawarz “Stores”, Founder & Lead Trainer - The Mac Instructor
  • Bill Brazeal, Technical Architect, Technology Specialist and Principle - ezNet Solutions

2. Week in Review

  • Google Maps released for iOS
    • 10 million downloads in less than 48 hours
    • GUI has been redone
    • iOS speech recognition feature
    • It doesn’t integrate with address book - limitation
    • Siri does not talk to Google Maps (Actually, there’s a trick.)
    • My first Google Maps directions were poor at best
  • iPhone 5 released in China last weekend, sold 2 million - record
    • Apple could sell as many as 50 million iPhones in 4th quarter
  • Purchase of new iPad this week at AT&T store and new Data plan
    • 47% of iPad Mini purchasers are first timers
    • 56% of iPad purchasers are new to Apple
    • This should help grow Apples market share
  • Youtube capture (released 12/17)
    • Instantly record and upload videos online
    • Color correction, Stabilization, and cropping
    • Upload to Youtube, Google+, Facebook, Twitter simultaneously
  • Apple releases Mac Wi_fi Update 1.0 improving 5GH band compatibility

3. Main segments

  • Barrett - Technology Integration into Education. Pilot program for iPad training???
    • Training Students to use iPad apps
    • iPads being imaged now
    • Added new version of Edmodo
    • Edmodo API being developed to integrate with our SIS system


  • Bill -
    • 2013 Prognosticating (4 Apple predictions and 1 Microsoft prediction)
      • Apple TV improvements
        • Lots of rumors around this
        • Full size TV - maybe
        • Smarter set-top box - hopefully
        • Better ways to view programming and control basic TV functions (while still keeping remote simple)
      • iRadio (subscription music service)
        • Spotify, RDIO, rapidly moved past Apple in this area in just a couple of years
        • Apple has been platform enabler allowing these companies to develop
        • Apple slowly adding more features to iTunes through iCloud (iTunes match, streaming songs
        • Problem, royalties are high - Deal with big three music companies (Sony Warner, Universal) nowhere near completion
        • Apple has the cash to make this happen if it would have a positive business impact
      • Maps improvements (big investment)
        • improvements but not fast
        • big investment - hiring more maps staff, recruiting from rivals
        • Restoral of Pride
      • Siri Production (remove the beta)
        • Google search app pushing it now (makes siri look slow)
        • Siri speed boost, more integration
        • Siri on Apple TV, OSX
      • Windows 8 - slow adoption
        • Confusion over new interface
        • unimpressive advertising
        • Windows 8 phone - no interest
      • iWork
        • Collaboration / Especially with iCloud....

  • Rick - iOS 7 Predictions (or Hopes to see happen)

  • Open DNS
    • Great tool for helping filter internet content and access at home
    • Check out the details and learn how it can be used to protect your home network at

4. Apps and Followings (please update your pics below when you have determined what you will

  • Barrett -
    • App pick (World Clock Gold)
    • Twitter pick (The Next Web / Our feed of international news on technology, business and culture. Follow @TNW )
  • Bill
    • App pick ( 30/30 )
    • twitter pick ( @ShellTerrell)

  • Rick
    • App pick (1Password)
    • twitter pick ( @fraserspeirs )

5. Wrap up and closing remarks...
Don’t forget to follow us on the Internet
Bill: Twitter - @billbrazeal         Web -
Barrett: Twitter - @BMosbacker
Rick: Twitter - @stwrz        Web -

Thanks for listening in, be sure to tell your friends, watch for our next episode coming in two weeks.  So long for now.