Saturday, July 27, 2024

All Podcasts

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The Education Apple, Discovery Class, Fun, CoffeeBuzz
Bill Brazeal

Discovery Class - Glenn Draper - December 3, 2023

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to Glenn Draper teaching on 1 Peter 2: 4-12

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  527 Hits
Bill Brazeal

Discovery Class - Jerry and Holly Leachman - November 19, 2023

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to Jerry Leachman teaching on Life and Ministry (men's class)

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Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to Holly Leachman teaching (women's class)

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  559 Hits
Bill Brazeal

Discovery Class - Tim Townes - November 12, 2023

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to Tim Townes teaching on Relationship

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  602 Hits
Bill Brazeal

Discovery Class - John Donaldson - November 5, 2023

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to John Donaldson teaching on Standing Firm

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  639 Hits
Bill Brazeal

Discovery Class - Alton Hardy - October 22, 2023

Click on the Audio Player below to Listen to Pastor Alton Hardy sharing about Urban Hope in Fairfield AL

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.



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  703 Hits